Residents benefit

Currently residents benefit from a host of people trying to improve our lives.

The Housing Department’s regular repair inspections take place monthly and Mr Mohammed Jowardhar is either accompanied by Martin Shortis and or me, Johanna Kaschke, Chair of the Parkview Neighbourhood Watch and possibly some other persons who may join in as they wish. The dates for the inspections are advertised in all display boxes.

Additionally we have the Parkview TRA that just recently appointed new block reps. Ann Edmead has adopted Mark House and wants to hold regular surgeries at the Glasshouse, which I (J Kaschke) plan to attend whenever I can especially to cater for all aspects of crime and antisocial behaviour in the block.

On the 15 July 2009 at the town hall petitions are going to be represented by Stephanie Eaton (Liberal Democrat) and me (J Kaschke) to get funding for the Glasshouse Community Centre.

If more people put regular pressure onto the repairs services and / or housing services we should be able to speed up the long overdue entry doors for Mark and Sidney House.

I am currently also lobbying Tower Hamlets Homes to provide extra recycling containers for Mark and Sidney House as they were overflowing last Saturday already.